Sunday 21 September 2014

Healing effect of Peanuts

Healing effect of Peanuts 

1) The effect preventing cardiovascular disease risk
A large number of studies have shown that peanuts, peanut butter and other peanut products help protect the heart, have a positive effect in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

2) Controlling cholesterol levels 
Not only helps strengthen memory, niacin in lost continues to lower and control the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. On the other hand, thanks to rich in copper so when eating peanuts helps increase beneficial cholesterol levels and reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol.

3) The effect of aging prevention 
Peanut contains polyphenols naturally in addition to reducing platelet aggregation, cardiac protection anti-aging effects is also very good.

4) good effect for bones 
In peanuts also contain small amounts of calcium and vitamin d. both substance work together improving bone health, including the health of teeth.

5) Effect preventing gallstones Researchers have found that those who ate at least 58 grams of peanut or butter each week can reduce the risk of gallstone disease is 25%.

6) memory enhancing effects 
some research shows that eating peanuts can enhance brain health is. The reason is that in the goober contains more vitamin B6 also known as niacin. This is the substance that helps the brain to function normally and enhance memory.

7) cancer prevention effects 
sitoserol-teta Substances present in some plant oils such as legumes, peanuts not only helps protect against cardiovascular disease by interfering with the absorption of cholesterol, they also fight cancer by preventing the growth of cells.

8) weight loss effects 
Several nutritionists said that communication products can help you control weight and prevent obesity are very effective. In which folic acid, peanuts contain a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids, reduces cholesterol in the blood is high. In addition to folic acid, peanuts also contain many useful cellulose, a clear role of intestinal waste, does not cause obesity.

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